やり過ぎ(る)[yari sugi(ru)]: overdo

November 7, 2020

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“やり過ぎる“ is a verb that means “to overdo“. It is used to describe situations in which you do something in a way that is too extreme. It is also used to react to someone who did something too much as “やり過ぎ“.

I play video games for too long without realising it, even though I’ve decided to limit myself to one hour a day.
Meg’s sister went to BTS’s concert and she is talking about how great it was.

  • Ema: BTSって、かっこいい!今まで見たライブで一番良かった!
    BTS are so hot! Their live performance is the greatest one I’ve ever seen!
  • Meg: えー、楽しそう!ねぇ、そのTシャツいいじゃん。
    Omg, that seems so fun! By the way, I like your T-shirt.
  • Ema: カッコよくない?脚にタトゥーも入れたんだ。
    Isn’t it cool? I’ve also gotten BTS’s tattoo on my leg.
  • Meg: マジ?それは、やり過ぎじゃない?お母さんに見せたの?
    Are you serious? Isn’t that too much? Has mom seen it?
  • Ema: 違う、フェイクだよ!ごめん、驚かせて。
    No, it’s fake! Sorry for surprising you.
Meg and Amy are talking about their friend’s wedding party.

  • Meg: ケイト、5回もお色直しするんだって!
    Kate told me that she is going to wear 5 different dresses on that day!
  • Amy: 本当?やり過ぎだけど、(それらの服を見るのが)楽しみだね。
    Really? It’s a little over the top, but I’m looking forward to seeing those dresses.
  • Meg: (そうだ)ね。結婚パーティーに500万かける(or使う)らしい...やり過ぎ
    Me too. It seems like she is going to spend $50k on her wedding party...she is going too far.

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