
エモい[emoi]: be emotional


It is an adjective and a slang word. It is said that “エモい“ comes from the rock music genre “emo“ or “emotional“. It doesn’t only ...

バタバタ[bata bata]: be swamped


Do you know how Japanese people describe situations in which they are busy, besides “忙しい”? They often say “バタバタ“ or “バタバタしている“ instead of “忙しい”. These ...

スルー[suru-]: to ignore


It is slang and Japanese English which is derived from “through”. It is a noun which means “to ignore”. It is used to describe situations ...

終わってる[owatteru]: hopeless


You might have heard of “終わった“ and “終わってる“ many times. Do you know exactly what they mean and how to use them? [owatta][owatteru] They are ...

ググる [guguru]: google something


Have you heard of “ググる”? I think that Japanese people say it at least once a day. It is used by people of all ages, ...

ぽい[poi]: -ish/-like


It is slang and a suffix that means “-ish/-like“. It is put before a noun, an adjective or a verb. It is used to say ...

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