甘い[amai]: be sweet/be naive


It is an adjective that has two meanings. The first is "to be sweet" and it is used to describe a taste/smell similar to that ...

The difference between ”けど” and ”のに”


They mean ”but”, but the nuance is slightly different. ”けど” is used to say the contradiction in two things objectively. ”のに” is used to say ...

だけど, けど[dakedo, kedo]: but


”だけど” is a spoken word of ”だけれども”. It is a conjunction and conjunctive particle that means “but”. As a conjunctive particle, it is put after ...

でしょう/だろう[deshou/darou]: I think, isn't it?


“でしょ(う)” is an auxiliary verb and a polite way of saying “だろう“. It has two meanings. The first is “I think“. It is used to ...

The difference between “より~ほうが“ and “まだしも“


They are used when comparing different options, but the sentence structure and nuance are different. “より~ほうが“ means “more than“. It is used as “v1/n1/adj1 + ...

困る[komaru]: not knowing what to do/be bothered/struggle with


It is a verb that has three meanings. The first meaning is “not knowing what to do”. It is used to describe situations in which ...

甘い[amai]: be sweet/be over-optimistic


It is an adjective that has two meanings. The first meaning is ”to be sweet”. It is used to express the pleasant taste of sugar, ...

ほうがいい[hou ga ii]: it would be better to


It is formed as "v + ほうがいい". It means "it would be better to". It is used to make a suggestion about what you think ...

The difference between "か", "または", "あるいは" and "それとも"


They are used to give an option, but there is a slight difference. Please memorize these three things to use these expressions correctly. If you ...

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