今度[kondo]: this time/next time


It is a noun that has two meanings. The first is "this time" and it is used to describe a current timing to do something ...

The difference between “と“, “ば“,“なら“ and “たら“


Do you know the difference between conditional forms such as “と“, “ば“,“なら“, “たら“? [to][ba][nara][tara] “と“ means “when“. It is mainly used to describe natural consequences/results ...

The difference between “のに“ and “ても


They are conjunctive particles and mean “even though“, but there is a slight nuance. “のに“ is used to express the contradiction between two things based ...

だいたい[daitai]: mostly, roughly, in the first place


It is a noun and adverb that has three different meanings. First, it means “generally“ and can be used to express the general cases/most cases ...

The difference between ”けど” and ”のに”


They mean ”but”, but the nuance is slightly different. ”けど” is used to say the contradiction in two things objectively. ”のに” is used to say ...

ちゃう/じゃう[chau/jau]: end up doing something


You may have heard of “ちゃう” and ”じゃう” many times. Do you know exactly what they mean and how to use them? [chau][jau] They are ...

ところ[tokoro]: be about to do something/in the middle of doing something/just did something


You might have heard of “ところ” or ”とこ”. Do you know what exactly they mean? How to use them? They are nouns that originally mean ...

とか[toka]: etc/things like that


It has two meanings. The first is “and/or/etc“ and it is used to mention similar items with something or to give examples. It is interchangeable ...

あまり~ない[amari nai]: not much


It means “not much”. It is used to describe the degree of something that is not great. It makes the negative sentence softer. “あんまり” is ...

The difference between "あげる", "くれる" and "もらう"


Can you use "あげる", "くれる" and "もらう" properly? "あげる" and "くれる" mean "give" and they are used when someone does something beneficial to a peer. ...

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