めったに ~ ない[mettani ~ nai]: rarely


It is a phrase that means "rarely". It is used when you almost never do something or when a thing doesn't occur frequently. Ken is ...

How to explain your feelings when you feel something is unusual beside using "変"


You can also use "おかしい" or "違和感がある(or違和感を覚える)" when you feel that something is unusual or something is difficult to understand. "変" and "おかしい" indicate that ...

せいぜい[seizei]: at the most


It is an adverb and it means "at the most". It is used when you mention the maximum capability/possibility of something with a generous estimate. ...

得/損[toku][son]: gain/lose


They are nouns/adjective verbs. The verbs, which are "得する" and "損する", are often used. "得" means "to gain" and it is used when you get ...

大したことはない[taishita koto wa nai]: not a big deal


It means "not a big deal". It is used as a phrase for telling someone that the particular thing they've done/mentioned isn't important. Meg is ...

臭い[kusai]: smell/be hammy


It is an adjective and it means "to smell". It has other interesting meanings and they are commonly used. The first meaning is "to be ...

正直に言うと[shoujiki ni iu to]: to be honest


It is a phrase and it means "to be honest". It is used before you say what you really think or feel. "ぶっちゃけ" is a ...

面倒くさい [mendou kusai] : it's a hassle


It is an adjective and means "it's such a hassle". It is used when you don’t feel like doing something or you feel that someone ...

仕方がない [shikata ga nai] : it can’t be helped


It is a phrase and means “it can't be helped”. It is used when you can’t avoid something to happen or can’t find a way ...

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