ばかり[bakari]: only/nothing but


”ばっか”, ”ばっかり” and ”ばっかし” are colloquial expressions for ”ばかり”. They are adverbial particles that mean “only/nothing but”. They are used to show that there is ...

ずっと[zutto]: much(better)/the whole time


It is an adverb. The first meaning is “much(better)“. It is used to describe situations in which the amount/degree of something is larger than the ...

プライド/誇り[puraido/hokori]: take pride in


"プライド" is Japanese English. It us a noun that has two meanings. The first meaning is ”self-respect”. It is used to express the respect you ...

別に~ない[betsuni nai]: not particular


It means “not particular”. It is used to describe situations in which something is not worth mentioning. It might be considered insensitive depending on the ...

The difference between "途中" and "最中"


They are nouns that mean “in the middle of”. They are used to express situations in which an action/event has begun and has not finished ...

立場[tachiba]: position/standpoint


It is a noun that has two meanings. The first meaning is "position" that is used to describe a situation that someone is in. The ...

The difference between "なるべく" and "できるだけ"


They are adverbs that mean "as much as possible". They are used when describing situations in which you try to do something as much as ...

いったい[ittai]: on earth


Do you know how to emphasize your question/doubt? Have you heard of "いったい"? It is an adverb that means "on earth". It is used to ...

慣れる[nareru]: get used to


It is a verb that means "to get used to". It is used when describing situations in which you get to know someone/something. My mom ...

きちんと[kichinto]: properly


It is an adverb that means "properly". It is used when describing situations in which something is done correctly/accurately or when describing socially/morally acceptable behavior. ...

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