ほうがまし[hou ga mashi]: would rather


It is formed as “verb/adjective/noun + ほうがまし“ and it means “would rather“. It is used when you have options and doing something is better than ...

とは[towa]: It is used to emphasize the thing that is put before とは/to describe something


It is put after a verb, noun(+”だ/だった”), i-adjective or na-adjective(+”だ/だった”). There are two different ways to use it. First, it can be used to emphasize ...

とはいえ[towa ie]: having said that


It is a conjunction that means “having said that“. It is used to say contradictory things about what has just been said. “そうは言っても“ has the ...

ぶる/ぶり[buru/buri]: pretend


Have you heard of ”~ぶる” such as ”知ったかぶる”, ”大人ぶる”, ”いい人ぶる”etc? ”ぶる” is a suffix that is used after a noun, an adjective and an adjective ...

プライド/自尊心[puraido/jisonshin]: self-respect


"プライド" is Japanese English. It us a noun that has two meanings. The first meaning is ”self-respect”. It is used to express the respect you ...

大げさ/話を盛る[oogesa/hanashi o moru]: exaggerate


"大げさ" is a noun that means "to exaggerate". It is used when describing situations in which someone makes something seem larger, more important, better, or ...

察する[sassuru]: get the message


Are you good at "察する" and "空気を読む"? "察する" is a verb that means "get the message". It is used when you understand what someone is ...

後回し[atomawashi]: procrastination


It is a noun that means "procrastination". It is used when you put off something that has to be done because it is unpleasant or ...

もはや[mohaya]: no longer


It is an adverb that means "no longer". It is used when something happened or was true in the past but does not happen or ...

焦る[aseru]: to get upset


"焦る" is a verb and it means "to get upset". It is used when you are in a hurry or you feel panicked because you ...

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