adjective verb

楽[raku]: be easy/feel better


Do you usually use “簡単“ when you feel that it’s easy to do something? Have you heard of “楽“? [kantan][raku] “楽“ is a noun and ...

慣れる[nareru]: get used to


It is a verb that means "to get used to". It is used when describing situations in which you get to know someone/something. My mom ...

The difference between "迷う" and "悩む"


They are verbs that are used when describing situations in which you can't decide what to do or which one to chose. They are interchangeable ...

How to explain your feelings when you feel something is unusual beside using "変"


You can also use "おかしい" or "違和感がある(or違和感を覚える)" when you feel that something is unusual or something is difficult to understand. "変" and "おかしい" indicate that ...

得/損[toku][son]: gain/lose


They are nouns/adjective verbs. The verbs, which are "得する" and "損する", are often used. "得" means "to gain" and it is used when you get ...

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