終わってる[owatteru]: hopeless

October 12, 2020

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You might have heard of “終わった“ and “終わってる“ many times. Do you know exactly what they mean and how to use them? [owatta][owatteru]

They are slang words and derived from “終わる“ which means “to end something“. “終わった“ and “終わって(い)る“ mean “hopeless“. They are used to describe terrible situations that are unlikely to improve, or to describe a person who made a big mistake or whose attitude is terrible. “オワタ“ is often used as internet slang.

Ken wanted to buy some snacks using credit cards.

  • Ken: 悪いけど、5ドル貸してくれない?このコンビニ、カードが使えないみたいなんだ。
    I’m sorry, but could you please lend me 5 dollars? It seems like this convenience store doesn’t take credit cards.
  • Leo: マジ?今時カードが使えないなんて、終わってる。これ、使って。
    Really? Are there stores that still don’t accept credit cards? Here you go (Leo lends Ken some money).
  • Ken: ありがとう。あとで返すね。
    Thank you. I'll pay you back later.
Ken had a bad day.

  • Leo: トムと俺、仕事の後に飲みに行くけど、来ない?
    Tom and I are going to grab some drinks after work. Do you want to join us?
  • Ken: いいね。でも、そんな気分じゃないや。
    Thanks, but I’m not in the mood.
  • Leo: どうしたんだよ?
    What’s wrong? Tell me.
  • Ken: 今朝クライアントとの大事な会議があったんだけど、すっぽかしちゃった。
    I had an important meeting with my client this morning, but I blew it off.
  • Leo: スミスさんとの(会議)?
    Was that with Mr. Smith?
  • Ken: そう。スミスさん(は)忙しいし、やっと約束を取り付けたのに、時間を間違えちゃった。終わってる(or終わった)!どうしよう...
    Yeah. Although he was very busy and we finally made the appointment, I got mixed up. I’m finished! I don’t know what to do...
Meg and Amy are talking about what they did last weekend.

  • Meg: 日曜、妹が通勤用に自転車を買ったんだけど、無駄遣いだったの。自転車に乗れなかったんだもん。終わってるでしょ!
    My sister bought a bike for commuting last Sunday, but it was a waste of money. She was not able to ride it! I can’t believe it.
  • Amy: そんなの、大した事じゃないよ!私なんて、金曜に仕事でミスしたし、その翌日(に)何があったと思う?
    It’s not a big deal! I made a ridiculous mistake at work last Friday, and the next day, what do you think happened?
  • Meg: 分からない。何があったの?
    I have no idea. Can you tell me?
  • Amy: 彼氏に振られた!私の人生、終わってる
    My boyfriend dumped me! My life is over!

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