訛り[namari]: accent, 方言[hougen]: dialect

October 8, 2020

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Do you know the difference between “訛り“ and “方言“?
You can use these words to express your way of speaking.

“訛り“ is a noun and it means “accent“. It is used to express the way in which people in a particular area pronounce. “訛る“ is the verb.
- “訛りがある“ can be said when you have an accent.
- “訛りが抜けない“ can be said when you can’t get rid of your regional accent.
※Did you notice that “訛“ is created by “言(words)“ and “化(transform)“?

“方言“ is a noun and it means “dialect”. It is used to express the form of a language that people speak in a particular area, containing some different words, grammar and so on.
“方言がある“ and “方言が抜けない“ can be used in the same way as the above ones.
“~弁“ such as “関西弁“ and “東北弁“ can be used to express certain dialects.

Dai is Ken’s friend who moved to Tokyo from Osaka several years ago.

  • Ken: どうして、(マイクと)そんな長話をしていたの?
    Why were you talking to Mike so long?
  • Dai: マイクはアメリカ出身で、日本語がすごく上手なんだ。でもさ、俺の日本語は、聞き取りにくかったみたい。
    He is from the U.S. and his Japanese is excellent. However, it seemed like my Japanese was difficult for him to understand.
  • Ken: あー、(ダイは)大阪訛りがあるからね。書く時は標準語を使うのに、なんでまだ大阪弁なの?
    Uh-huh, you have an Osaka accent. Although you use standard Japanese when writing, why are you still speaking like this?

  • Dai: 分からないけど、3年以上東京に住んでいるのに、まだ方言(or関西弁)が抜けないんだよ。
    I don’t know, but I still speak with the Kansai dialect despite living in Tokyo for more than 3 years.
Meg is worried about whether she has an accent when speaking English.

  • Meg: 英語が上手くなってきたけど、私、まだ訛っている?
    My English is getting better, but do I still have an accent?
  • Amy: 別に。そんなに心配しなくていいよ。ネイティブだって、生まれや育った場所によって、訛りがあるんだから。
    Not really. You don’t need to worry too much about it. Even native speakers have an accent depending on where they were born and raised.

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