ほうがまし[hou ga mashi]: would rather

October 17, 2020

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It is formed as “verb/adjective/noun + ほうがまし“ and it means “would rather“. It is used when you have options and doing something is better than doing another thing.

The point is that doing a certain thing is still better than doing another thing even though you don’t like both of them. It indicates how bad the alternative is.
It is often used with “より“ or “くらいなら“ when you compare two things.

Meg's boyfriend came home late at night.

  • Tom: 腹減ったー!何か、食べる物ある?
    I’m so hungry! Is there anything to eat?
  • Meg: えっ、今日は外で食べてくると思ったから、夕飯は作らなかった。ラーメンを食べに行けば?
    Oh, I expected you to eat out tonight… so I didn’t prepare dinner. You can go and buy ramen at the ramen shop.
  • Tom: あそこのラーメンは美味しくないよ。あの店で食べるくらいなら、家でカップラーメンを食べたほうがましだよ。
    That ramen isn’t tasty! I’d rather eat noodles at home than eating ramen at that shop!
Amy is disappointed about what her boyfriend did.

  • Meg: 結婚パーティーの準備は進んでいる?
    How’s your preparation for the wedding party going?
  • Amy: 全然進んでいない。ジムが全く興味ないんだもん。それに、毎週末サーフィンに行く。ムカつく!
    I don’t see any progress. Jim is not even interested in it… and he goes surfing every weekend. I’m so frustrated.
  • Meg: 大変だね。なんか私に出来る事(は)ある?
    I’m sorry to hear that… Is there anything I can do for you?
  • Amy: ありがとう。自己中な男と結婚するより、独身のほうがましかも!
    Thank you. It might be better to be single than to be with someone who’s selfish!
  • Meg: まー、そんな事(を)言わないで。彼と結婚したがっていたじゃん。
    Calm down. You’ve always wanted to marry him.

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