Have you heard of “ググる”? I think that Japanese people say it at least once a day. It is used by people of all ages, from children to the elderly.
It is slang and a verb that means “to google something“. It is used to say that you look something up on Google. You can use it instead of “調べる“ when you search for something on the internet“.
“ググレーヌ“ is derived from “ググれない“. It is used to describe a person who can’t google something by themselves or who doesn’t try to look it up by themselves.
You might have seen “ググレカス(ggrks)“ on the internet. It’s internet slang to call someone names. It is used to say “Just Google it yourself“ or “Google is your friend“.
- Ken: Hey, where should I take Sara on a first date?
ねぇ、サラとの初デート(は)、どこ(に)連れて行けばいい? - Leo: Any restaurants where they serve Italian food, or something delicious. Speaking of Italian food, why don’t you go to ABC in Azabu?
イタリアンとか、美味しい店なら、どこでもいいんじゃない?イタリアンといえば、麻布のABCとか、どう? - Ken: Is that place close to the station?
その店さ、駅から近いの? - Leo: I totally forgot where it is located in Azabu. Just google it!
- Meg: I don’t know how to total the number of customers for each store. I've been looking into which Excel function I should use on Google, but none of these functions look right for my data.
店舗毎の顧客数を合計する方法がわからない。エクセル関数をググっているんだけどさ、どれも違う気がする。 - Amy: That can’t be true. You can search for anything online these days!
そんな事(は)ないでしょう。何だって、ググったら出てくるでしょう! - Meg: I thought so too, but I can’t do it. And I have no idea what to do anymore.
私もそう思ったんだけど、(グーグルの検索結果に)出てこなかった。もう、どうしたらいいか、わからない。 - Amy: Are you the kind of a person who can’t look it up on Google? Hahaha…
メグって、もしかしてググレーヌ?(笑) - Meg: No! You’re so mean!