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How to explain your feelings when you feel something is unusual beside using "変"


You can also use "おかしい" or "違和感がある(or違和感を覚える)" when you feel that something is unusual or something is difficult to understand. "変" and "おかしい" indicate that ...

The difference between "せめて" and "少なくとも"


They have almost the same meaning, which is "at least". They can be interchangeable depending on the context. "せめて" is mainly used when you want ...

The difference between "さえ" and "すら"


They have the same meaning which is "even." They are used when describing something by giving very unusual and surprising examples, but "すら" cannot be ...

The difference between "待ち遠しい" and "待ちきれない"


They have the same meaning "can't wait for something". They are usually interchangeable. "待ち遠しい" is always used in a positive way, it indicates that you're ...

The difference between "は" and "が"


The difference between the particles "は" and "が" depends on whether the subject or the predicate of a sentence is emphasized. "が" is used when ...

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