Get to the point of complicated grammar such as difference between similar expressions!

The difference between "だけ" and "しか"


They have the same meaning "only". "だけ" can be used in both negative and affirmative sentences, but "しか" can be only used in negative sentences. ...

The difference between “正直(に言うと)” and “実は”


Do you always say “正直(に言うと)”? I think that Japanese people use “実は“ rather than “正直“. [shojiki(ni iuto)][jitsu wa] “正直(に言うと)” and “実は” mean ”to be honest”. ...

The difference between “と“, “ば“,“なら“ and “たら“


Do you know the difference between conditional forms such as “と“, “ば“,“なら“, “たら“? [to][ba][nara][tara] “と“ means “when“. It is mainly used to describe natural consequences/results ...

The difference between “のに“ and “ても


They are conjunctive particles and mean “even though“, but there is a slight nuance. “のに“ is used to express the contradiction between two things based ...

The difference between ”けど” and ”のに”


They mean ”but”, but the nuance is slightly different. ”けど” is used to say the contradiction in two things objectively. ”のに” is used to say ...

The difference between “より~ほうが“ and “まだしも“


They are used when comparing different options, but the sentence structure and nuance are different. “より~ほうが“ means “more than“. It is used as “v1/n1/adj1 + ...

The difference between “~わりに(は)“ and “~にしては“


“~わりに(は)“ is an adverb that means “considering“. It is used to describe someone/something that is different from typical ideas or what you think it should ...

The difference between "途中" and "最中"


They are nouns that mean “in the middle of”. They are used to express situations in which an action/event has begun and has not finished ...

The difference between "なるべく" and "できるだけ"


They are adverbs that mean "as much as possible". They are used when describing situations in which you try to do something as much as ...

The difference between "ひらめく", "思いつく" or "考えつく"


Have you heard of "ひらめく", "思いつく" or "考えつく"? [hirameku][omoitsuku][kangaetsuku] They are verbs that mean "to come to mind". They are used to describe that you ...

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