Learn a common expression every day!

一旦[ittan]: once/for a moment


It is an adverb and it means "once/for a moment ". It is used to describe situations in which you do something once/for a moment. ...

The difference between "なるべく" and "できるだけ"


They are adverbs that mean "as much as possible". They are used when describing situations in which you try to do something as much as ...

なるべく[narubeku]: as much as possible


It is an adverb that means "as much as possible". It is used when describing situations in which you try to do something as much ...

いったい[ittai]: on earth


Do you know how to emphasize your question/doubt? Have you heard of "いったい"? It is an adverb that means "on earth". It is used to ...

イケてる[ike teru]: be cool


Please, don't tell me that you always use "格好良い" or "良い". Have you heard of "イケてる"? "格好良い" means "to be cool" which is mainly used ...

大げさ/話を盛る[oogesa/hanashi o moru]: exaggerate


"大げさ" is a noun that means "to exaggerate". It is used when describing situations in which someone makes something seem larger, more important, better, or ...

慣れる[nareru]: get used to


It is a verb that means "to get used to". It is used when describing situations in which you get to know someone/something. My mom ...

ほうがいい[hou ga ii]: it would be better to


It is formed as "v + ほうがいい". It means "it would be better to". It is used to make a suggestion about what you think ...

きちんと[kichinto]: properly


It is an adverb that means "properly". It is used when describing situations in which something is done correctly/accurately or when describing socially/morally acceptable behavior. ...

The difference between "ひらめく", "思いつく" or "考えつく"


Have you heard of "ひらめく", "思いつく" or "考えつく"? [hirameku][omoitsuku][kangaetsuku] They are verbs that mean "to come to mind". They are used to describe that you ...

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