Learn a common expression every day!

プライド/誇り[puraido/hokori]: take pride in


"プライド" is Japanese English. It us a noun that has two meanings. The first meaning is ”self-respect”. It is used to express the respect you ...

プライド/自尊心[puraido/jisonshin]: self-respect


"プライド" is Japanese English. It us a noun that has two meanings. The first meaning is ”self-respect”. It is used to express the respect you ...

モヤモヤする[moya moya suru]: feel uneasy


It is a verb that means “to feel uneasy”. It is used when describing situations in which your feelings/thoughts are not clear or you can’t ...

前倒し[mae daoshi]: move up


It is a noun that means “to move up”. It is used when describing situations in which you reschedule some event to an earlier date ...

ビビる/怖気づく[bibiru/ojikezuku]: get scared


It is a verb and slang for “怖気づく[ojikezuku]”. It means ”to get scared” that is used when describing situations in which you get cold feet ...

別に~ない[betsuni nai]: not particular


It means “not particular”. It is used to describe situations in which something is not worth mentioning. It might be considered insensitive depending on the ...

The difference between "途中" and "最中"


They are nouns that mean “in the middle of”. They are used to express situations in which an action/event has begun and has not finished ...

あまり~ない[amari nai]: not much


It means “not much”. It is used to describe the degree of something that is not great. It makes the negative sentence softer. “あんまり” is ...

夜更かし[yofukashi], 夜型[yorugata]: to stay up late, a night owl


"夜更かし" is a noun that means "to stay up late". It is used to describe situations in which you do something until late at night. ...

立場[tachiba]: position/standpoint


It is a noun that has two meanings. The first meaning is "position" that is used to describe a situation that someone is in. The ...

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