Learn a common expression every day!

弱る[yowaru]: weaken/not knowing what to do


Do you usually use “疲れる“ or “元気がない“ when you’re tired? Have you heard of “弱る“? [tsukareru][genki ga nai][yowaru] “弱る“ is a verb that has two ...

擦れ違う[surechigau]: pass/miss each other/talk pass each other


It is a verb that has three uses. The first is “to pass”. It is used to describe situations in which someone/something goes past something ...

困る[komaru]: not knowing what to do/be bothered/struggle with


It is a verb that has three meanings. The first meaning is “not knowing what to do”. It is used to describe situations in which ...

ぶる/ぶり[buru/buri]: pretend


Have you heard of ”~ぶる” such as ”知ったかぶる”, ”大人ぶる”, ”いい人ぶる”etc? ”ぶる” is a suffix that is used after a noun, an adjective and an adjective ...

甘い[amai]: be sweet/be over-optimistic


It is an adjective that has two meanings. The first meaning is ”to be sweet”. It is used to express the pleasant taste of sugar, ...

ばかり[bakari]: only/nothing but


”ばっか”, ”ばっかり” and ”ばっかし” are colloquial expressions for ”ばかり”. They are adverbial particles that mean “only/nothing but”. They are used to show that there is ...

イメチェン[ime chen]: makeover


It is Japanese English that stands for ”イメージチェンジ”. It is a noun that means “makeover”. It is used to describe a person/thing that gets a ...

しつこい[shitsukoi]: be heavy/insistent


It is an adjective. It has two meanings and they are always used in a negative way. The first meaning is “to be heavy“. It ...

ずっと[zutto]: much(better)/the whole time


It is an adverb. The first meaning is “much(better)“. It is used to describe situations in which the amount/degree of something is larger than the ...

テンション[tenshon]: feelings


You may often hear “テンション” in Japanese English. It is derived from “tension”, but doesn’t mean “tension”! Do you know how to use it? It ...

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