Learn a common expression every day!

とは[towa]: It is used to emphasize the thing that is put before とは/to describe something


It is put after a verb, noun(+”だ/だった”), i-adjective or na-adjective(+”だ/だった”). There are two different ways to use it. First, it can be used to emphasize ...

The difference between ”けど” and ”のに”


They mean ”but”, but the nuance is slightly different. ”けど” is used to say the contradiction in two things objectively. ”のに” is used to say ...

だけど, けど[dakedo, kedo]: but


”だけど” is a spoken word of ”だけれども”. It is a conjunction and conjunctive particle that means “but”. As a conjunctive particle, it is put after ...

刺激的[shigeki teki]: stimulating


It is an adjectival noun that means ”stimulating”. It is used to describe someone/something that influences your senses/feelings. It is often used to describe someone/something ...

ちゃう/じゃう[chau/jau]: end up doing something


You may have heard of “ちゃう” and ”じゃう” many times. Do you know exactly what they mean and how to use them? [chau][jau] They are ...

でしょう/だろう[deshou/darou]: I think, isn't it?


“でしょ(う)” is an auxiliary verb and a polite way of saying “だろう“. It has two meanings. The first is “I think“. It is used to ...

もん/もの[mon/mono]: because


They are spoken words and sentence-ending particles that mean “because“. They are used to give the reason for something. “もん” is resulting in the phonetic ...

ては/では(じゃ,ちゃ)[tewa/dewa][ja, cha]: if, whenever


“~じゃ” and ”~ちゃ” are spoken words resulting in the phonetic change of “ては/では“. “ては/では“ has two meanings. The first is “if“ and it is similar ...

だって[datte]: but/because, even, I head that


You have heard of “だって” many times. Do you know what exactly it means and how to use it? [datte] It is a spoken language ...

ググる [guguru]: google something


Have you heard of “ググる”? I think that Japanese people say it at least once a day. It is used by people of all ages, ...

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