Learn a common expression every day!

ほうがまし[hou ga mashi]: would rather


It is formed as “verb/adjective/noun + ほうがまし“ and it means “would rather“. It is used when you have options and doing something is better than ...

それとも[soretomo]: or


I often hear/see a person using “それとも“ incorrectly. Do you know exactly how to use it? It is used in everyday spoken language as a ...

スルー[suru-]: to ignore


It is slang and Japanese English which is derived from “through”. It is a noun which means “to ignore”. It is used to describe situations ...

終わってる[owatteru]: hopeless


You might have heard of “終わった“ and “終わってる“ many times. Do you know exactly what they mean and how to use them? [owatta][owatteru] They are ...

The difference between “と“, “ば“,“なら“ and “たら“


Do you know the difference between conditional forms such as “と“, “ば“,“なら“, “たら“? [to][ba][nara][tara] “と“ means “when“. It is mainly used to describe natural consequences/results ...

なるようになる[naru you ni naru]: What will be, will be


Have you heard of “なるようになる“? You can use it instead of “Que Sera, Sera”! Is is a phrase which means “What will be, will be“. ...

訛り[namari]: accent, 方言[hougen]: dialect


Do you know the difference between “訛り“ and “方言“? You can use these words to express your way of speaking. “訛り“ is a noun and ...

The difference between “のに“ and “ても


They are conjunctive particles and mean “even though“, but there is a slight nuance. “のに“ is used to express the contradiction between two things based ...

だいたい[daitai]: mostly, roughly, in the first place


It is a noun and adverb that has three different meanings. First, it means “generally“ and can be used to express the general cases/most cases ...

こだわる[kodawaru]: be particular about


“こだわる(拘る)” is a verb that means “to be particular about​”. It is used when you pursue the quality of something or when you are picky ...

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