Learn a common expression every day!

せいぜい[seizei]: at the most


It is an adverb and it means "at the most". It is used when you mention the maximum capability/possibility of something with a generous estimate. ...

得/損[toku][son]: gain/lose


They are nouns/adjective verbs. The verbs, which are "得する" and "損する", are often used. "得" means "to gain" and it is used when you get ...

大したことはない[taishita koto wa nai]: not a big deal


It means "not a big deal". It is used as a phrase for telling someone that the particular thing they've done/mentioned isn't important. Meg is ...

せめて[semete]: at least


It is an adverb and it means "at least". It is used to say that someone should do something small, even if they do nothing ...

焦る[aseru]: to get upset


"焦る" is a verb and it means "to get upset". It is used when you are in a hurry or you feel panicked because you ...

地雷を踏む[jirai o fumu]: push someone's button


It originally means "to step on a land mine". It also means "to push someone's button" and it is used when you intentionally/unintentionally say something ...

百聞は一見にしかず[hyakubun wa ikken ni shikazu]: seeing is believing


It is a proverb and it means "seeing is believing". It is used to say that what you see once is more important than what ...

だるい[darui]: to feel sluggish


It is an adjective and it means "to feel sluggish". It is used when you feel very heavy and dull because you are tired or ...

まめ[mame]: to be diligent


It is a noun/an adjective verb and it means "to be diligent". It is used when describing someone who spares no effort to work hard ...

ながら[nagara]: while


"ながら" is a conjunctive particle and it means "while". It is used when you do two things simultaneously. "ながらスマホ" is used when you do something ...

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