Learn a common expression every day!

べき[beki]: should


It is a suffix. It is formed in this way "verb + べき", but "する" is an exception and you can say "するべき(colloquial style)" or ...

相性が良い/気が合う[aishou ga ii/ki ga au]: to go well together


"相性が良い" is a phrase that means "to go well together". It is used when some people/things seem to be a good match. "気が合う" is a ...

話が噛み合わない [hanashi ga kamiawanai]: to talk at cross-purposes


It is a phrase that means "to talk at cross-purposes". It is used when describing a situation in which people are not on the same ...

The difference between "か", "または", "あるいは" and "それとも"


They are used to give an option, but there is a slight difference. Please memorize these three things to use these expressions correctly. If you ...

どころではない[dokoro dewa nai]: it's not the right time/occasion・to be far better/worse


It is a phrase that has two meanings. The first meaning is "it's not the right time/occasion". It is used to explain that you can't ...

くらい[kurai]: about


Have you heard of "くらい"? [kurai] It is a noun/an adverbial particle. It means "about" and it can be used in mainly two ways. The ...

疎遠になる[soen ni naru]: haven't kept in touch with


"疎遠になる" and "連絡を取っていない" are used in situations in which you have intentionally/unintentionally lost contact with someone. You can say "連絡が(来)ない","音信不通", or "音沙汰なし" when someone hasn't ...

めったに ~ ない[mettani ~ nai]: rarely


It is a phrase that means "rarely". It is used when you almost never do something or when a thing doesn't occur frequently. Ken is ...

How to explain your feelings when you feel something is unusual beside using "変"


You can also use "おかしい" or "違和感がある(or違和感を覚える)" when you feel that something is unusual or something is difficult to understand. "変" and "おかしい" indicate that ...

How to describe your personality


I tried to study Japanese a little everyday, but I couldn't keep up. I'm a lazy person who gets tired of things easily. 毎日少しずつ日本語を勉強しようとしたけど、続かなかった。僕は飽き性で(or飽きっぽくて)、怠け者だ。 Mainichi ...

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