How to explain your feelings when you feel something is unusual beside using "変"
You can also use "おかしい" or "違和感がある(or違和感を覚える)" when you feel that something is unusual or something is difficult to understand. "変" and "おかしい" indicate that ...
How to describe your personality
I tried to study Japanese a little everyday, but I couldn't keep up. I'm a lazy person who gets tired of things easily. 毎日少しずつ日本語を勉強しようとしたけど、続かなかった。僕は飽き性で(or飽きっぽくて)、怠け者だ。 Mainichi ...
せいぜい[seizei]: at the most
It is an adverb and it means "at the most". It is used when you mention the maximum capability/possibility of something with a generous estimate. ...
得/損[toku][son]: gain/lose
They are nouns/adjective verbs. The verbs, which are "得する" and "損する", are often used. "得" means "to gain" and it is used when you get ...
大したことはない[taishita koto wa nai]: not a big deal
It means "not a big deal". It is used as a phrase for telling someone that the particular thing they've done/mentioned isn't important. Meg is ...
The difference between "せめて" and "少なくとも"
They have almost the same meaning, which is "at least". They can be interchangeable depending on the context. "せめて" is mainly used when you want ...
せめて[semete]: at least
It is an adverb and it means "at least". It is used to say that someone should do something small, even if they do nothing ...
焦る[aseru]: to get upset
"焦る" is a verb and it means "to get upset". It is used when you are in a hurry or you feel panicked because you ...
地雷を踏む[jirai o fumu]: push someone's button
It originally means "to step on a land mine". It also means "to push someone's button" and it is used when you intentionally/unintentionally say something ...
百聞は一見にしかず[hyakubun wa ikken ni shikazu]: seeing is believing
It is a proverb and it means "seeing is believing". It is used to say that what you see once is more important than what ...